In general, Hispanic moms are optimistic about pregnancy as the majority loved/liked getting asked about the topic. However, it is worth noting that Spanish-dominant Hispanic moms are more likely to idealize their pregnancy experience while English-dominant Hispanic moms take a more pragmatic approach. According to Mintel, the idealization of pregnancy SL-dominant Hispanic moms take is due to traditional gender roles where they see the arrival of children as a blessing — reinforcing their perception that they need to have a positive attitude during pregnancy. On the other hand, English-dominant Hispanic moms’ pragmatic approach is more focused on the responsibility and arrival of children, which can be attributed to higher acculturation levels to American culture.[7]
As Hispanics become more experienced moms, their idealization of the pregnancy and motherhood experience, along with the emotions that come with it, begins to change. Her emotions may shift from the excitement of all the first milestones to stress about what she knows is coming next.[8] Additionally, it’s well known that more children typically lead to more stress, and given that Hispanic moms have many children (on average), they are likely seeking brands that can help ease this pressure. This is especially true now as kids are often home due to COVID-19 restrictions.
But, keeping their children busy is not the only type of stress the pandemic has brought to Hispanic households. As COVID-19 continues to disrupt the lives of millions, disproportionately affecting Hispanics and Blacks, (64% of Hispanics reported a loss of employment income due to COVID-19 since early March, compared to 45% among White, non-Hispanic consumers), Hispanic moms are playing a key role by taking control of what they can to protect their families.[9]